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Powerful TreatmentsPowerful Treatments

“I feel tremendously lucky to have seen Mike’s advert. I have had 6 truely wonderful and powerful treatments that have enormously reduced my pain, massively increased my mobility and greatly enhanced my energy. He is incredibly skilled and knowledgeable and has really helped with my whole health and well-being. I cant thank him enough for all his help, kindness, deep healing and extraordinary care. He is the best physiotherapist I have ever known and will continue to have regular treatments with him. Clare:)”

Physio/Bodywork SessionPhysio/Bodywork Session

Mike helped me walk out of immobilising pain after two treatments with no invasion or extra pressure. He taught me how to breathe so that I could make the hard but necessary movements manageable. Mike is very well-informed and shares his knowledge freely and compassionately. I am so relieved to be better and so grateful for the urgency with which he treated me.
Carrie Jan 2024.

Treated with the Thor laser infrared systemTreated with the Thor laser infrared system

A client with Fibromyalgia
Oh WOW, Mike! Yesterday’s treatment(s) on my hips made a huge difference – for the better! I am SOOOO impressed, THANK YOU!!

Such a big smiley face, you could see it from space!
(Treated with the Thor laser/infrared system)

A client with Arthritis of Knees
After the first session with the Laser system i was able to walk both up and down stairs without anywhere near as much pain. Also i was able to walk for a mile for the first time in years!

A client with Back Pain
It was like a miracle. The first time i walked in bent over and walked out nearly straight. After the second treatment my terrible pain has gone.

Higher Brain treatmentHigher Brain treatment

This is from a client who came to me previously for a monthly massage to manage the stiffness in her back from previous spinal surgery and from fatigue with her MS which made her very grumpy and unable to go out more than one night a week without being totally wiped out.

In her words:

I feel like a completely different person in every way!

I am more confident with clear boundaries and feel comfortable with who I am. I was fearful and had a low opinion of myself. I wasn’t open with people and didn’t feel valued. I was at the bottom of the heap. I am now more thoughtful and am prepared to listen. I have risen above negative aspects of my marriage, now feeling positive. Instead of tolerating him, I love him. My changing has changed him. He is now much kinder and values me. I do feel happy.

I did some volunteering with the National Trust which I enjoyed but I do feel privileged to have a great environment around me.

My body is amazing. My back pain being 80% less now. My head no longer feels like a blancmange so my balance and vision have improved and I have so much energy! I also think more clearly. (Now I can garden for 5 hours instead of 20 mins and go out doing activities 4 or 5 evenings a week!)

I am more ‘in the moment’ and better at asking the right questions.

I am able to stand still and upright for more than 2 minutes without bending my knees/flattening my back or leaning against something but I can walk 8 miles and cycle 10 which makes me so happy and grateful.

I don’t feel on the same level as some of my friends now who are interested in material things, gossip and feeling sorry for themselves (I think ‘how sad’ but it does make me smile inside how my perspective has changed!!).

Higher Brain SessionsHigher Brain Sessions

I just wanted to let you know the effects HBL has had on my everyday life.

During and after my first session there was definitely a shift/move of energy and the results were felt the following day at work.

For the first time in a long while, work seemed effortless. Problems were being solved before the full extent of the problem had been ascertained! I had much greater clarity of thought and felt completely like I was somebody else … A much better, more efficient me.

Subsequent sessions the results were similar and after each session, my energy levels and increased optimism for life lasted longer as did my ability to problem solve, I hadn’t realised I was so smart.

The effects of the treatment were akin to drinking a dozen cups of coffee and having the best news ever. I felt on top of the world. I was literally buzzing. My boss even commented on my efficiency and asked whatever I was doing could I continue! With that, I very much look forward to my next session and seeing for myself just how I can reach my full potential. I have recommended HBL to all my friends and would not hesitate in saying to anybody “Just do it and you will see the Results”!

Higher Brain SessionsHigher Brain Sessions

The following of my heart led me to the Higher Brain Living technique. Though I am not particularly experienced in meditation or alternative bodywork, something about the process urged me to find a facilitator. Cue: Michael. In gratitude for the process itself and for Michael’s capacity to facilitate with attentive nurturance, my experience is beyond what I myself can describe: I borrow words from Rumi –

‘This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.’

Client Testimonials

Powerful Treatments


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