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During Corona Virus LockdownDuring Corona Virus Lockdown

Since Boris shut most everything down on 20th March 2020, the M.S. Centre in Exeter shut down the week after which has left me twiddling my thumbs and left a lot of people with M.S. without their Hyperbaric Oxygen and Physio to keep them energised, flexible and exercised.

I did go in and record a video of me demonstrating the Monday Exercise Class and I am still trying to figure out how to get it loaded up onto video (youtube on here), hopefully, by the time you read this it will be done.

After initially doing a ton of paperwork to join an agency to get work in the NHS and later finding out that there wasn’t any work! I finally got around to working on writing my book about M.S. and doing a lot of research.

The book will be on Kindle and will cover, my experience at the M.S. Centre over the last 15 years and the common things I have found, also some basics about M.S. in my view, some basic exercises for strengthening , stretches to reduce stiffness and increase flexibility and mobility.  I’ve also put in some stuff on diet, supplementation, breathing techniques, toxicity and references to other really good books on the brain that I’ve come across that all overlap with aspects of what I recommend.

Enough about me! What should we all be doing during the lockdown to improve our immune system?

There are 3 things that I try do every day:

First, I do The Wim Hof Method starting with taking 30-40 deep breaths and then a long hold (for my big lungs, 2.5 to 3.5 mins), then another 30 breaths and a long hold out (1.5 to 2.5 mins for me). I know some people who have practiced this for 6 months can do 4 minute holds easily.  Sometimes I do exercises whilst holding breath which builds a lot of strength as muscles act differently without as much oxygen.  Then I get in the shower and put it on maximum cold for 1-2 mins after I have warmed up and washed.  This burst of cold strengthens your immune system, reduces inflammation, improves vagal tone and is great psychologically to do something you really don’t want to do early in the morning (this is not advised if you suffer with spasms). The free 3-part video. Wim on Covid-19

I am also getting back into Falun Gong which is a version of Chi Gong, a Chinese energy cultivation exercise.  I did run a class teaching this about ten years ago after being taught by a Chinese lady who had been put in a forced labour camp for 1.5 years for doing Falun Gong in China!.  It can take as little as 5 minutes if you do the first exercise or can take 30 minutes if you do the full 6 exercises including meditation at the end.  It can also be done in sitting.  It is amazing what regular practice of this does for your energy levels and feeling of well-being. A link to the full video is here (gives explanations & exercises in detail for you to learn and perfect – for free).

Thirdly I do a meditation separately using the Muse2 headband which is a fancy, Star Trek like device which you put around your forehead that reads your brain waves (beta, alpha, theta, gamma and delta), and gives you positive feedback when you get into Alpha or slower brainwaves.  This gives a profound feeling of peace as does the Light and Sound meditation that I do with a group (online at the moment via Zoom and whatsapp) occasionally.

Hopefully I will bring both a Falun Gong and group meditation to Exeter before the end of the year.

Meanwhile, in this extraordinary time, remember there are many ways to boost your immune system.  Go out, get some fresh air, communicate with people you haven’t connected with for a while and take this time to do something positive (if you have an enforced couple of months off like myself).

Happy exercising !





2020 – The Brain, The Mind & M.S.2020 – The Brain, The Mind & M.S.

The Brain – Hugely Complex – but there are so many great new books and researchers decoding it with the help of Functional MRI scans and other modern ways of seeing what’s going on.

The Brain

I’ve been listening to several books on audible over the past few months, particularly Steven Kotler’sStealing Fire‘ and ‘Mapping Cloud 9‘ which are both excellent, particularly in looking at what is going on in what parts of the brain according to imaging and an understanding of the neurochemisty as well as the neuroanatomy, which on scans show which parts are lighting up and which parts are dumbing down in certain states, such as in mystical states, being in the zone, in the flow state or in states of profound healing.

Also Dr Joe Dispenza’s ‘Evolve Your Brain’ is a great listen but is very long and detailed but in a good way. I had to replay several chapters, several times but it is great for getting a better idea of neuro, imaging, neurotransmitters, and plenty on meditation and useful practices.

I am constantly on the lookout for ways to improve the brain’s function because of my clients over the past 14 years with MS with fatigue and brain-fog. It is my feeling that the functional medicine approach is the closest in looking at ways of treating autoimmune diseases, with diet, detoxing, chelating, supplementing and other strategies.

Also, as I have been working with people with Strokes and Parkinson’s since 2000 it would be great to see how the neuroprotective CBD compounds and the new regimes with NADh plus co enzyme q-10 could help reduce brain damage and speed a better recovery from neuropathology.

The Mind

After qualifying as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in 2019 I feel that I have certainly learnt a lot more about the mind and how when we change our inner dialogue and replace negatively interpreted memories with neutral or even positive ones, how much better we can feel and see the world.

I have also stepped up my meditations, and here include some of my favourite masters, Mooji and Sadhguru’s simple meditation from his website.

Stress is the most obvious thing that makes us feel bad and if we are unwell it just aggravates our symptoms – I have seen this many times in MS, so I see meditation and stress reducing strategies as crucial in symptom reduction.

Multiple Sclerosis

I am writing a book about what I have been doing for and learnt from my clients at the South West MS Therapies Centre for over a decade.

There have been so many books, diets, strategies, TED talks, interventions to help MS and the symptoms over the years, and I have followed them all with interest. I have come across another one just the other day which looks worth a look. See Dr Pompa and Palmer Kippola who has just released a new book ‘Beat Auto-Immune‘ that is from the Functional Medicine approach.

I have many plans as usual for the New Year and wish you all well (-:

2019 Hypnosis/ Yoga2019 Hypnosis/ Yoga

After a year of hard work, lots of reading, free case studies, lots of learning and typing up of notes taken each month in a weekend intensive with a great group (5 others) and lots of Zoom meetings, finally I passed the exams and am now a Clinical Hypnotherapist!!!

We learnt so many tools especially diving into Parts therapy and Regression, but also the Fork in the Path, Coping to Mastery and a bunch of other ways of working with people to help them integrate unresolved emotional stuff that often lies at the bottom their ‘bad’ habits that they have gotten into and want to change. In one case study, a woman who had constant pain agreed to a very simple suggestion in Parts therapy and she had no pain for 2 weeks afterwards (and then she injured her leg)! It is amazing that the mind can agree to turn off pain that has been around for so long, so easily!

Also I had a great weekend in Totnes with Johnathon Fitzgordon of New York looking at his approach to viewing posture to relieve tension on the psoas muscle and lower back. After a 2 hour session on Friday one chap told me he was able to walk without pain in his lower back for more than an hour around the hill of Totnes which he was shocked and amazed by.

It will certainly change how I look at peoples postures and advise people with back pain, and I loved the ‘Psoas Release Party’ – felt amazing afterwards.

I definately recommend everyone to follow Johnathon or have a look at his material to create an amazing change for themselves and others.

Mike x

Can You Achieve Lifelong Transformational Change?Can You Achieve Lifelong Transformational Change?

In my experience real, lasting, lifelong transformational change is a rarity.

Which is quite a statement when you think of the industry that is built around helping people achieve change.

is lifelong transformational change possible?

I’ve experienced many therapies, workshops, courses and coaching sessions myself and always felt a wonderful sense of achievement and renewed vigour after each one.  But looking back today I can’t honestly say that many courses I did, let’s say ten years ago, have transformed my life long-term.

These therapies did of course  ultimately lead me to the path I now walk and eventually to become a Higher Brain Living practitioner.  So I can’t for a moment say they didn’t help me get to where I am in my life right now.

But it has taken a long time to get here.  Far longer than I would have hoped for and I have seen may people along the way give up or settle, losing the will to even want to make a change.

And of course that is life, we all have challenges that arise, that we need to face and these challenges can feel over-bearing and grind you down.  We only have to look at anxiety and depression statistics to see that carrying our stress for a long time is very, very real.

So what am I getting at here?

Well, my journey has taken me a long time to get here.  Far longer than I would have liked when I set out on it.

Now that I am here however, and with the benefit of experiencing a variety of therapies, I completely identify with Higher Brain Living and the dramatic and swift effect it can have on helping to facilitate change.

Even better than that – lifelong transformational change.

A Shortcut to Lifelong Transformational Change?

The key reason I decided to become a Higher Brain Living practitioner is because I saw how Higher Brain Living can act as a shortcut to, if you will, re-wire the brain.

Imagine if YOU had the tools to re-wire your own brain.  How would that look to you?  What would you achieve without any self-imposed subconscious limits?

I really urge you to take 10 minutes here to really think about these pressing questions.  Sit and allow yourself to imagine and see what you come up with – I’d love to hear your responses.

I can help you on your own journey of lifelong transformational change.  Get in touch with me today to find out more and take the first step on your own journey of change.

My Wish For You

I really do hope that after reading this blog post you have the confidence to book your place on my next workshop or book a 1 to 1 session (click here for details – shameless plug, but it has to be done!!).
Take the steps to create an even better life for yourself – we only live once after all.
I look forward to meeting you very soon.


Find me on facebook here.

Follow me on Twitter here.

A Week of Transformational ChangeA Week of Transformational Change

It’s been a really exciting time for me recently as I’ve been working on some new and really interesting ideas, particularly in the area of transformational change.

I’ve been looking at ways of bringing together the key elements of all the different therapies I have trained in to create a unique strategy designed to help shortcut results for my clients – transformational change.

When I say shortcut, of course I don’t mean cheating – because life experience I’m sure has taught most of us that cheating always comes back to bite you in the end!

What I mean is simply that I am working on creating a course that takes the key elements of therapies I have personally found, and that my clients have found, to be potentially most beneficial in creating transformational change in yourself.  By combining these elements we can make the best of everything from many therapies for what could mean even bigger results, in a much shorter time frame.

That’s my plan anyway!

So for now I am very interested to hear from YOU.

What would you like to see in my next course and how would you prefer it delivered to help you get the results you yearn for?  How do you learn most effectively?

At the moment I am pondering a day long workshop format vs an ongoing weekly practice – kind of like going to your weekly Yoga class.  But this would be designed for the mind, body and spirit to work together in helping you achieve your goals.

What would really interest you?

What are YOUR goals…?

When I say I want to help you develop your own skills and strategies to achieve your own goals, I really do mean that.  It’s what I do and I see the true value in this every day.

But perhaps what I mean by ‘goals’ and the modern, common meaning of goals are slightly misaligned.

Let me explain.

When I work with my clients I like to focus on transformational change.  The kind of stuff that takes you from where you are, to where you currently can only dream of being.

But how do you do this?

Well a lot of it is to do with analysing critical areas of your life to determine where you are vs where you want to be.  Setting a ‘goal’ in this way helps you to map out your path.

Add in techniques from other therapies I have learnt, including Higher Brain Living, and you have a complete mind, body, spirit approach to help you achieve the success in whichever area of your life you wish to focus on.

And the real beauty is that this can be rinsed and repeated for any area of your life, at any time.

My Wish For You

I really do hope that after reading this blog post you have the confidence to book your place on my next workshop (click here for details – shameless plug, but it has to be done!!).  Take the steps to create an even better life for yourself – we only live once after all.
I look forward to meeting you there.


Find me on facebook here.

Follow me on Twitter here.

What is Higher Brain Living?What is Higher Brain Living?

Today’s question is: What is Higher Brain Living®?

Well, that may sound a bit odd coming from me, ‘what is Higher Brain Living®’, as I’m the only Higher Brain Living practitioner here in the UK to date.  But, it’s really meant to be more of a question to get you thinking.

What is Higher Brain Living®?  How does it work?  What does it do?  Is it hard to learn or a scary process?


So you’ve never heard of Higher Brain Living UK? That’s ok.So you’ve never heard of Higher Brain Living UK? That’s ok.

Welcome to Higher Brain Living®. You have made a wonderful, potentially life-changing discovery. And I say none of this lightly, I talk only from experience – both my own and that which I have experienced with my clients.

What on Earth is Higher Brain Living® UK?
So, you’ve never heard of Higher Brain Living® UK (until now). And that’s ok! I’m very glad you have made the discovery. The fact that you are reading this, right now, shows that it has at least created intrigue for you.

I invite you now to read on, learn, ask me any questions that spring to mind via my contact page. (I honestly love to connect with anyone who is interested in HBL). Really get the feeling for Higher Brain Living®.

Then, when you’re ready, come along to one of my workshops or book a private session and experience Higher Brain Living® for yourself. There is nothing quite like feeling it in action!

What Higher Brain Living® is to me:
I am of course a Higher Brain Living® practitioner, the first and so far only practitioner in the UK and one of only 2 in the whole of Europe.

Why is this? Because Higher Brain Living® is a brand new concept to Europe and the UK. it originates from America and the work of Dr Michael Cotton and is slowly starting filter out of America to the benefit of more people around the world.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because Higher Brain Living® lacks Eastern origin that it won’t give you a profoundly spiritual experience. Dr Cotton has used scientific methods, research and experience to create this wonderful technique.

It taps into the higher brain – the pre-frontal cortex – and access it’s ‘hidden power’. By using Higher Brain Living® to access this power, you can also access abundance, joy, confidence and even connect on a deeper spiritual level.

In 10 years time I hope it will be a commonly used practice worldwide, much in the same way as Acupuncture or massage is today, for instance.

To me, having experienced Higher Brain Living® at a retreat in Mexico, I was so blown away that I instantly knew I had to learn to do this! So that’s exactly what I did. Having a background of Neuro Physio I already had a professional interest in the brain and how we can re-wire it. What created a spark in me was seeing how quickly Higher Brain Living® could be used to achieve results that previously could have taken months or even years.

In my own words:
Higher Brain Living® seems to be a fast-track approach to re-wire your brain to achieve your goals.

However, looking at it from a complimentary therapist point of view… I see it as so much more. I see it as breathwork, bodywork, life coaching, health coaching and spirituality all rolled into one.

What Higher Brain Living® can do for you:
Higher Brain Living® could do absolutely anything for you that you want it to.

I say this because you are the person who decides where to take it. You identify the areas you want to work on, set your goals and do the exercises to support them. With a review 6 weeks later you have the opportunity to asses how life has changed for you. This review highlights the difference in yourself since doing Higher Brain Living®.

I have to say that so far I have never seen a case of anyone who wasn’t blown away by what they had achieved by using Higher Brain Living®. Or really I should say:

what you have done for you, using the Higher Brain Living® techniques.

Because really, it is all down to you. You must take the first step and continue along your journey, Higher Brain Living is simply the knowledge and guidance to assist you.

My Wish For You
I really do hope that after reading this blog post you have the confidence to book your place on my next workshop (click here for details – shameless plug, but it has to be done!!). Take the steps to create an even better life for yourself – we only live once after all.

I look forward to meeting you there.

What if you could actually change your brain?What if you could actually change your brain?

Today I’m asking a really big question:
What if you could change your brain, actually change your brain, to facilitate a life of confidence, abundance and joy?


Glowing Feedback from HBL 1 Day WorkshopGlowing Feedback from HBL 1 Day Workshop

I have had some lovely feedback about the 1 day Higher Brain UK workshop that I’d like to share with you.  I’d also like to say a big thank you for this feedback too.  All of my students were a pleasure to teach and if their progress on the day is a marker then their progress going forward will be unlimited.  And this fills me with excitement for them!

Higher Brain Living Comes to the UKHigher Brain Living Comes to the UK

As the very first UK based, Higher Brain Living trained professional, I am absolutely thrilled to bring this practice to the UK.


Client Testimonials

Powerful Treatments


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