Glowing Feedback from HBL 1 Day WorkshopGlowing Feedback from HBL 1 Day Workshop
I have had some lovely feedback about the 1 day Higher Brain UK workshop that I’d like to share with you. I’d also like to say a big thank you for this feedback too. All of my students were a pleasure to teach and if their progress on the day is a marker then their progress going forward will be unlimited. And this fills me with excitement for them!
Wonderful Student Feedback
Such very gracious feedback is from a wonderful student, Helen. I am privileged to have met Helen as a fellow Neuro-Physio. This feedback is therefore extra special to me as she was looking at Higher Brain UK from exactly the same perspective as I was when I first discovered it too.
Thank you Amelia for such thoughtful feedback. Your kind words about my teaching style of Higher Brain UK is much appreciated!
As a teacher it really is wonderful to hear these words from students who have attended my Higher Brain UK workshops. Unexpected experiences are always the best!
Who Is My Higher Brain UK Workshop Suitable For?
On my last 1 day Higher Brain UK workshop I had such a wide variety of people join me that it really is hard to pinpoint a typical ‘type’ of person who attends.
What I would like to make very clear though, is that Higher Brain UK is suitable for and can help EVERYONE! If you have a pre-frontal cortex (which if you’re reading this, then you do), then this workshop is without doubt of benefit for you.
- Are you the kind of person who wants to improve their memory ? This workshop is for you.
- Are you the kind of person who wants to improve their wellbeing? This workshop is for you.
- Are you the kind of person who wants to be more positive in life? This workshop is for you.
- Are you the kind of person who wants to achieve more things in their life that will make you happy? This workshop is for you.
Who doesn’t want any of those things? (Might I add here that there is so much more to HBL and so much more to be gained from the workshop, this is but a snapshot!). But particularly, if you have any interest in any of the following:
- bodywork
- breathwork
- health coaching
- life coaching
- psychology
- yoga
- wellness
- alternative medicine
Or anything linked to any of these areas – then this workshop is for you!
My Wish For You
I really do hope that after reading this blog post you have the confidence to book your place on my next workshop (click here for details – shameless plug, but it has to be done!!). Take the steps to create an even better life for yourself – we only live once after all. I look forward to meeting you there.